Oct 09

October 2014 – David Durrance, visited Bariloche to further the new artistic exchange

Aspen artist, David Durrance, visited Bariloche to further the new artistic exchange. While there he gave a PowerPoint presentation on his artistic endeavors in Aspen and visited local artists and art showings in the Bariloche area. Interestingly, his talk was translated by his son, Jessie, who recently completed medical school in Buenos Aires and who is married to an Argentine woman. His wife, Pilar Fernández, once stayed with the Durrance family many years ago as part of an exchange of skiers!
A group of 15 students and two chaperones from Bariloche visited Aspen as part of the student exchange program. These students hosted in their home the students from Aspen that visited Bariloche in June of this 2014. The chaperones were Audrey Shaw and Bea Zelaya.

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