“10 years ago I took the long flight from Aspen to Bariloche Argentina to be the first person from Aspen to participate in the new Sister Cities Art Exchange. This April I returned to see how this amazing program has blossomed. Paula Fischer, whose husband was in the Doctor Exchange, thought it would be a great idea to start an artist exchange. She was right. Now every spring an artist or two travels to Bariloche to see and spend time with local artists. In September we host an artist or two from Bariloche. Lala Caffarone is the liaison and translator.
This time I reunited with artists I had met previously during the first exchange and with artists who had participated here. Along with Amy Beidleman and Lala we spent several days at the beautiful Hotel Tronador on lake Mascardi an hour from Bariloche. Then it was time to visit artists’ studios, give a talk, teach a class in their new cultural center, and enjoy the company of other artists. We enjoyed meals at different houses, picnics, and scenic walks. We were lucky to sneak in a nap on occasion in the housing provided by the artists. Our Spanish improved.
We brought home wonderful memories, new friendships, artwork for a Sister Cities show in August, and an appreciation for the opportunity to have participated in this intercultural program. A big thank you to the Sister Cities Organization!” Missy Prudden, Woody Creek.
“Much thanks to all of you who are responsible for this Sister Cities Arts and Culture Exchange Program! My experience was and continues to be an exceptional, heartfelt connection with the people of both Bariloche and our Valley. Through this participation I have been greatly inspired by these communities and look forward to continued involvement such as the upcoming “(Re)union” art show and the fall visit with the Bariloche artist/s.“ Amy Beidleman, Aspen.
Roaring Fork Valley watercolor artists Missy Prudden and Amy Beidleman visited Bariloche for the annual Artist Exchange (April 5-15). Special thanks to the members of the Association of Artists Bariloche who organized the activities and hosted the visiting artists, as we celebrate ten years of friendship through art.

Hotel Tronador

with Andrea Juarez

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