Matías Sanchez has been a ski patrolman at Bariloche’s Cerro Catedral for eight years. In November of 2021, he traveled to Aspen to report for duty at the Snowmass Ski Area as part ski patrol exchange program for the 2021/22 ski season. Matias was the ninth ski patrolman from Bariloche to participate in this exchange. In addition to working at Snowmass, Matías spent a week working at each of the following Aspen/Snowmass ski areas; Aspen Mountain, Buttermilk Mountain and Aspen Highlands as well as a week at Steamboat Springs Ski Resort. Matías was named ski patroller of the year at Snowmass Mountain for the 2021/22 ski season!
Luke DeMuth, ski patroller at Aspen Highlands and president of the Aspen Professional Ski Patrol Association, got to work with Matías both in Bariloche and in Aspen:
“I had the pleasure of meeting Mati while working on exchange in Bariloche at Cerro Catedral in 2019. Aspen then hosted Mati during the 2021-22 winter for an exchange at Snowmass. Mati’s transition to working for Aspen Snowmass was seamless and he was instantly part of the team. His dedication to the job and fellow patrollers was unparalleled and he contributed to the group from day 1. He worked with us at Highlands for a couple weeks this winter as well. Again, he wasted no time becoming part of the team and getting right to work. Mati was always willing to do any task and always had a smile on his face. He is an example of why the patrol exchange between Bariloche and Aspen is a valuable experience for both cities and individuals. He will always have a home and work in Aspen should he return”.
On behalf of Aspen Sister Cities, thank you Mati!

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