On a brisk, sunny January afternoon at the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, the clicks of cameras snapping away blended with the sounds of a nature preserve as about a... read more →
Aspen and Shimukappu, Japan have been sister cities for thirty years and for thirty years the student exchange has been creating bonds between families of both communities. It was the... read more →
Celebrating the relationships with our sister cities. Flags displayed on Main St, Aspen on Thanksgiving week honoring our sister cities. Grateful for the relationships built and experiences shared. Grateful for... read more →
Generosity in practice. The Buddhist priest moved methodically around the room, instructing us in rhythmically hitting our instruments. He divided us into groups of four: one person beating a taiko... read more →
Valeria Fiala, artist and educator from Bariloche, Argentina was invited by The Art Base to teach the "Home" program which takes place from October 1st to December 9th. "Home" is... read more →
Aspen Highlands Ski Patrol Andy Biehl shares his experience in Bariloche. I was honored to be the 8th Ski Patroller to participate in the Aspen Sister Cities exchange with the... read more →
What an exceptional opportunity I had as the 2022 exchange artist being hosted in Bariloche, Argentina. I was swept up in the arms of an extraordinary group of artists and... read more →
John Klonowski (Challenge Aspen adaptive ski instructor) came to Desafío Bariloche at a very special time for us, he participated in our annual free and voluntary adaptive ski program, which... read more →
In 2002, Bariloche, Argentina, and Aspen, CO, formally became Sister Cities. Since then, through a variety of community exchanges, our relationship has grown stronger and we are proud to say... read more →
This Spring I visited Chamonix, our Sister City, for my cousin’s wedding. My girlfriend and I were graciously greeted by long-time Sister Cities Liaison Jacques, Mayor Erik, and a number... read more →