"Reimagining Citizen Diplomacy: New Connections in a Virtual World" This July 8-9 Sister Cities International is offering an online conference. There will be no cost to participate. To register and... read more →
A unique program that Aspen and Shimukappu have shared since March of 1991, is an English Teacher position. An individual from the Aspen area lives and teaches English in Shimukappu for approximately two... read more →
By Nancy Gensch Gretl Uhl and her husband, Sepp, moved from Garmisch-Partenkirchen to Aspen, Colorado in 1953. Gretl grew up IN the Ski Jumping Stadium in Partenkirchen where the opening ceremonies of... read more →
Visiting Aspen was an amazing experience, not only is it beautiful (and in similar and different ways Bariloche is), but it has an incredible art scene, especially because it´s such... read more →
Mario Ruiz, from Bariloche, Argentina, was named “Ski Patroller of the Year” for Aspen Highlands at the end of the 2019/20 season after completing his Sister Cities ski patrol exchange. ... read more →
Juan Vargas, adaptive ski instructor from La Hoya and representing "Adaptado Patagonia", worked as an intern for Challenge Aspen during March 2019 and March 2020. Adaptado Patagonia is an adaptive... read more →
This event has been suspended due to COVID-19 global pandemic. Aspen Sister Cities is offering a Sister City trip to Oberammergau, Germany in the summer of 2020 to see the... read more →
Last February, a group of four medical professionals from Hospital Zonal Ramón Carrillo visited Aspen as part of the annual medical exchange program. They were; Gaston Duwavram, Orthopedics, Belén... read more →
Javier Cofian, ski patrol from Cerro Catedral, arrived in Aspen in November 2018 to begin his season long ski patrol exchange at Aspen Mountain. He completed his work in April... read more →
This event has been suspended due to COVID-19 global pandemic. As part of the Aspen- Bariloche Artist Exchange Program we present the first "Art & Nature Workshop" to be held... read more →